Recent Events
Christmas Party
This years party was once again held at Henry and Chris Morrison’s home. We had a really good turnout with 19 members present for the festivities. Guests stated arriving at 5:30, and Henry opened his bar to start mixing libations for those that wanted one. There were a number of different hors d’oeuvres also placed on the bar and everyone started sampling, yummy!
Larry and Melissa Jensen brought a prime rib that Larry had been slow cooking all day and, as in the past, it was done to perfection; very tender and juicy, thanks again Larry. There were a number of side dishes along with some home made pies, ice cream and a cake for dessert. Conversation was lively and plenty. It was good catching up with members that we haven’t seen in a while.
After dinner Henry stood up and addressed the guests. For those that don’t remember there was a “Mileage Competition” that we started this past year. The object was to get members out there to drive their cars more often and rack up some mileage, after all that is why these cars were built. The club decided to award a trophy placard to the top three contestants who drove their cars the most miles during the past year and a “Flat Tire Award” to the contestant and that drove their car the fewest miles. We had eight members sign up for the contest.
1st place went to Pete Davies with 2845 miles
2nd place went to Dennis Walkingshaw with 1969 miles
3rd place went to David George with 1628 miles.
The “Flat Tire Award” went to Bo Hall that drove his car a staggering 123 miles!! Bo was a great sport about the award and everyone had a good laugh.
Pete Davies was awarded the “Member of the Year” award for all the behind the scenes work he has done to help organize and keep the club informed of all the events we had planned for the year. His enthusiasm and effort has been central to keeping the club alive and vibrant.
After dinner was over everyone moved to the family room area and the White Elephant gift exchange started. There were a number of great gifts on the selection table which generated a lot of stealing from each other but everyone ended up with a nice gift at the end. The pictures below are courtesy of Bo Hall
BAHC Members Glen and Karen Schimmelpfennig recently attended the AHCA Conclave in Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin with their beautiful, supercharged, 1969 Sprite. They came back with some great memories and two(!) awards. Below is their account of the event and some pictures.
Wisconsin 2024 Conclave, food, fun, new friends, old friends—FUN times! Road America raceway, what a blast, the noise, the iced tea, and people, we were able to drive around the racetrack eight times with no helmet, vroom, vroom. We had a car show every day, in a sea of Austin Healey’s – in the parking lot, on the road, in the races, and sitting along the street in Elkhart Lake just shining. YES, our little red car WON Best in Class Sprite and Best in Show Class Sprite: MK1-4, felt like a kid in a candy store! Guess who took our picture, Steve Kirby from Southern California, and the President of AHASC.
Sept 21, 2024 Northern Drive
Attendees: Henry Morrison, Keith Mott, Dennis and Cay Walkingshaw, Pete and Victoria Davies
Dennis Walkingshaw led the tour from the south which met up at I-80 and State Hwy 65 in Parley’s Canyon. There were only two cars, Henry Morrison and Dennis, that showed up at 9:30 am and so they started up Hwy 65 north through the mountains towards Morgan. The morning was brisk but skies were clear and filled with sunshine. Perfect for our Healeys as we all know how they like the cooler weather.
Keith Mott braved the cold, Mid 40’s, and drove all the way down from Logan to participate. The only issue that he encountered were very high winds as he entered Weber Canyon. He must have been blown around quite a bit as this is a normal occurrence every morning as the cooler air in the Morgan Valley vents out toward the west.
Meanwhile Pete and Victoria Davies waited patiently in their pj’s at home in Mountain Green sipping the second cup of morning coffee and thinking of their fellow members braving the early morning start time and the cold and wind. As 10:15 approached they got the Healey out of the garage and took a leisurely10 minute drive to Morgan for a 10:30 meetup.
We met at the Morgan Exxon Station which is a popular gathering spot. We were greeted by a number of motorcycle groups that had assembled for the start of their rides. We received many thumbs up and compliments from the groups that were present. and a few cyclists came over to investigate our cars and ask questions.
We left the gas station and went back through Morgan and picked up Morgan Valley Dr which we then followed to the small community of Peterson. Then onto Trappers Loop Rd. We entered the Trappers Pointe subdivision for a once pass through. Pete and Victoria’s grand kids live there and had been assembled on the side walk to cheer us on as we passed by. From there we went over Trappers Loop past the Snow Basin turn off towards Pineview Reservoir. The trees on the mountains are starting to turn on their fall colors and there are shades of red everywhere. We turned West at the end of Trappers Loop and followed Hwy 39 west to the head of the Pineview Dam which we crossed over and followed the road to the town of Eden. The road runs along the west shore of the reservoir which is really beautiful this time of year and the water was like a sheet of glass. It was literally a huge reflecting pond. In Eden we turned right and headed east toward Huntsville where we stopped for Lunch at the Shooting Star Saloon.
The Saloon, originally a mercantile, built in 1850 is the oldest continually operating saloon west of the Mississippi. It became a bar in 1879 and was even open serving alcohol during Prohibition. This was possible due to its remote location at the time. Every now and then the Sherriff would stop by and see the bar open and he would arrest the owner and throw him in jail. But since the jail was in Ogden and the Sherriff didn’t go to Huntsville very often The owners wife would take over the operation until her husband returned so the bar never actually closed!!
The ceiling is covered with dollar bills which date back to the 1920 as a tribute to a local soldier Whiskey Joe, that came back home from WW1 suffering from “shell shock”. Its a symbol that the community takes care of it’s own. It’s quite the place to see!!
We sat and talked while we waited for our ‘Starburgers’ and potato chips—sorry no fries—and cold beers to arrive. These were voted the best burgers in Utah a number of years ago. Heart attack on a bun but we can’t eat healthy all the time!!!
After lunch we headed our separate ways towards home. The weather was perfect, the food was fantastic, and the company exquisite. It was agreed upon that we should try to do this as an annual drive. So it will be on our club calendar next year.
August 17, 2024 Tech Session
Attendees: Bob & Candi Keeney, Tom Leavitt, Jim Thornton, David Thornton, Don Colman, Bo Hall, Don Hughes, Dennis Walkingshaw, Pete Davies, Jim Revel(ex member) and a couple of neighbors (Bill and Steve) that stopped by.
Saturday’s tech session went well from the stand point of finding the electrical issue that let the smoke out of the wires in Bob and Candi Keeney’s 67 BJ8. Unfortunately we were unable to resolve the problem as we discovered more issues the further we dug into it. The initial problem was due to faulty wiring that had been added to the system in the past but had been incorrectly connected/disconnected at some point. There had been a radio in the car which had been removed but the bare ends of the connectors were left un-insulated. As a result they went to ground and melted. Poor solder connections at both ends also added to the problem causing high resistance which generated heat and resulted in several other wires melting together. The reason the fuses had not protected the circuits was revealed when we found that the circuit that had been tied into for the radio was an “UN-FUSED” hot wire that came right off of the main battery lead that was attached to the voltage regulator.
We were in the process of repairing the initial problem when we discovered that there were more wires melted together under the dash. The insulation had melted to the point that the wires had shorted together. This in itself wasn’t to bad but the real problem was they were part of the main wiring harness under the dash board. The melted wires entered the main harness and who knows how many other wires were affected. The only way to discover the extent of the damage would have been to remove all the cloth wrapping from the harness under the dash and inspect every wire within. At this point we performed an inspection of the entire electrical system. We discovered that many of the electrical connections within the harness and at the termination points of the system components needed to be separated and cleaned due to corrosion. Work stopped and we had a pow wow to address the issues we were now facing and the best way to fix them. Dennis, Bob and I came to the conclusion that it would be best for all concerned, including the car since it is almost 60 years old with the original wiring, to have the entire harness replaced. Trying to patch it up was not in the best interest of preserving the car, the last thing we need is a fire, and the owners peace of mind.
To sum it all up this tech session broke our record for getting a Healey back on the road. Bob is going to order a new wiring harness and check with a shop he knows to see if they will install it.
On a brighter note, Bob purchased Don Colman’s Bugeye Sprite. The car had been for sale for sometime and Don was hoping to continue the ownership streak of selling the car to a BAHC member. The car has been owned by 5 different members over the years. Congratulations Bob.
The Bugeye will need a little care and maintenance to get it back on the road as it has not been run for a couple of years. The fuel has gone bad so the system will need to be drained and cleaned out prior to startup, but that is a tech session for another day.
August 4, 1st Annual Snowbasin Car Show
The 1st Annual Snow Basin Car show this past Sunday August 4th was quite a success. The gathering of the cars started at 10am and with coffee and donuts provided. Once we were in our groups were were staged in the lawn area. There were four groups. Modern, Classic, Trucks & SUV , and Motorcycles. The coordinator is a fan of British cars and had more applied we would have been given our own group but as it turned out there were only 3 of us that applied and were all accepted. Pete Davies, Glen Schimmelpfennig and a member of the BMCU. It as a gorgeous day in a beautiful setting. There was great food, music and plenty of different beers to choose from if you were so inclined. At the end of the day two awards were passed out for each class. One was “The Peoples Choice” award and the other was the “Judge’s Award”. Glen’s Sprite received the “Judges Award” for the Classic group. Congratulations Glen!
July 17, Sharon’s Birthday TSD Rally
Sharon’s Birthday Rally turned out to be a fun day for all. We had 20 cars take place in the rally which started at Rotary Glen Park just to the east of Hogle Zoo at the entrance to Emigration Canyon. Everyone assembled in the parking lot and donuts were provided by Dil Strasser. once everyone was registered Henry gave us a briefing on the “Richta ” app. We were each issued a car number and at precisely 9am the first car left the parking lot, thereafter another one left at 1 minute intervals. The weather was clear and it stated to warm up right away. The first 10 miles of the rally weren’t timed as it was an odometer check. The timed portion started as we turned left and headed north on route 65 towards East Canyon Reservoir. Once we got to the north end of the reservoir the instructions had us turn left once more and we headed to the town of Morgan. From there we had to take a short trip eastward on I-84 where we exited at Croydon. The instruction had us go through Croydon and on to Henefer. Once in Henefer there were a number of us that got lost because of how we interpreted the directions but that is the fun part of a rally you really have to pay close attention to the driving instructions. Finally everyone made it to the checkpoint where we Dennis Walkingshaw had set up a cornhole board. The object was to make three points before you were allowed to leave for the next leg. Cupcakes and ice water were provided as well as a welcomed bathroom break. From there the directions had us cross back over I-84 and proceed east toward Echo Reservoir, then onto Coalville, Hoytsville and finally Wanship. We headed east on state rout 82 past Rockport reservoir for a few miles, turned right on to Browns Canyon road towards Park City.
The last part of the rally had us finishing up at Billy Blanco’s restaurant for lunch. We were quite a group, approximately 50 people in all with the rally staff included. Henry tallied the points and awards were presented to the winners. I think there were 7 categories in all.
A hearty “Thank You” to Henry and Chris Morrison, Dennis Walkingshaw, Don Hughes, Dil Strasser, Glen & Karen Schimmelpfennig for making this event a great success. Thanks also go out the the British Motor Club of Utah and the Wasatch Mountain Jaguar Register for helping to promote this event. I hope it will be the start of a long tradition.
Modern Class—Candiss and Bennett Pedersen, (overall winner)
Vintage class—-Ken and JoAnn Borg
July 6, 2024 Tech Session
Attendees: Jim Thornton, Don Hughes, Larry Jensen, Pete Davies, Glen Schimmelpfennig, Bo Hall, Don Coleman
Another successful Tech Session: Jim Thornton’s black Healey is back on the road! We started working at 10am and there were 7 members that showed up to partake in Saturdays work fest. Everything went as planned except for one mishap that put us back a couple of hours. We ended up only changing the clutch slave cylinder and flex hose. Jim had found some rubber bits laying on the floor of his shop and thought they were from the slave cylinder dust seal. Our first order of business was to inspected the hydraulic system but we didn’t find any signs of leaks. So Don Hughes and I jacked up the car and proceeded to remove the seats, carpet and transmission cover. The factory installed rust preventative system was working well as there was quite a bit of oil under the car and around the slave cylinder area. It was determined that the rubber pieces were from the dust cover on the clutch actuating lever. Since we were this far into the project we decided to change out the slave cylinder anyway. The cylinder was removed and replaced with a new one. Everything was going well up to this point and the system was filled with brake fluid and bled. This seemed to be a good time to take a break and we had some snacks that Jim had graciously provided, donuts, chips, dip and drinks.
Now is the point where we start to put things back together and where the trouble started that set us back a couple of hours. I asked Jim if he had a grease gun so we could lube the front universal joint on the drive shaft since it was readily accessible. The grease fitting was in the wrong position and the drive shaft needed to be turned but the car was in gear and the gear shift had been removed to enable the transmission cover removal. So the shifter was temporarily installed and the car put into neutral, the drive shaft was turned and the joint greased. Everything was going well up to this point and then suddenly it wasn’t. We had to remove the gear shift again to allow the transmission cover to be installed but when it was removed the small brass bushing on the bottom of the shifter fell off and disappeared down inside the gearbox. So now we have to drain the oil and remove the side cover from the transmission. The cover was removed and the brass bushing retrieved. We tried to reinstall the side cover but kept feeling resistance and after a couple of tries with frustration building, it was determined that a beer break was in order. Larry Jensen offered to try refitting the cover and a fresh pair of hands and eyes was more then welcomed. Larry determined that the reason for the resistance was the springs that keep the shift rod detent balls in place. The cover was finally re-installed and then we needed to fill the transmission with oil. Bo Hall graciously offered to go get the necessary 30wt non-detergent oil. That proved to be more than he bargained for. Have you tried to find 30wt non-detergent oil?? It’s about as common as hens teeth. Bo finally returned from his scavenger hunt over an hour later after going to multiple auto parts stores. He finally found the necessary oil at Walmart after Larry had done an internet search on his phone. By this time it was around 3:30 and we were getting tired. The interior was finally reinstalled and the car was driven around the neighborhood with everything working as it should. We cleaned up the shop, congratulated ourselves on a job well done, even though it took a lot longer, and headed home.
Thanks to everyone that showed up to lend a hand or for moral support, it was appreciated!
Pete Davies
June 22, 2024 Springville Drive and Luncheon
Attendees: Dennis & Cay Walkingshaw and grandson Ryder. Henry & Chris Morrison. Jim & Sheryl Thornton with son, David & wife Kate. Dil & Diane Strasser, Pete & Victoria Davies and their daughter-in-law Amber & her son Cash. Glen, Karen, David Schimmelpfennig and daughter Sharron Jensen. Bob and Candi Keeney. Larry Jensen. Christopher and George Thompson.
The Springville run was a great success. Thanks again to Dennis and Cay for hosting the event at their home in Hobble Canyon. We had a new member join us today, please welcome Christopher and George Thompson. Glad to have you in the club. There were four big Healeys and three Sprites that made the run.
We gathered at the South Town Mall at 9:00 and departed at 9:03 heading toward Saratoga Springs. The parking lot was treated to a rainbow of colors for the Healeys and we received many thumbs up from passing cars as we headed towards Saratoga Springs. The weather was clear and it started to warm up rapidly with the forecast of 90+ degrees later in the day. We stopped for a gas top off in Saratoga Springs and then headed South along the west side of Utah Lake to Elberta. From there we turned east and drove through Goshen on Hwy 6. then left on Hwy 141 in Genola. The farm country at this time of year is beautiful as everywhere you look it is a lush green color. By this time the day had warmed up considerably. We continued on following the Dennis into Springville and then east toward Hobble Creek Canyon. The 9 mile drive up through the canyon was gorgeous and a nice change from the flat farm country we had just left behind. We arrived at our destination around 12:30 and were glad for the chance to escape the heat. Cay was ready for us and we were welcomed with open arms and a big smile. Dennis fired up the BBQ and soon the burgers were ready to feed the hungry group. Cay had laid out a wonderful spread in the kitchen and soon people were filling their plates with burgers, potato salad, baked beans and an a wonderfully made bowl of fresh fruit salad along with the usual fixing you would expect at a BBQ. Victoria Davies had made two home made cherry pies the day before for the desert course and there were cookies and ice cream as well. Outdoor tables had been set up amongst the shade trees by the waterfall and the creek and the sound of the water running made for a very peaceful lunch setting. The rest of the afternoon was spent in conversation with friends and fellow club members
.About 3:00 four of the cars were assembled for a photo shoot. The chosen picture will be sent to the AHCA editor and hopefully will make the calendar for 2025. A picture of four of the club members cars was submitted last year and we made the April photo for 2024.
Around 4:00 members started to leave and make their way back home but in a Healey it wasn’t going to be a comfortable drive as by now the temperature was approaching 100 deg. and yours truly had a 100 mile drive ahead.
All together it was a great day to be in the country side with our friends driving our Healey’s. A heart felt “thank you” to Dennis and Cay from all who attended this wonderful annual event and being such great hosts.
June 15, 2024 British Field Day
Attendees: Dave Maxwell, Larry and Melissa Jensen, Jim Thornton, Glen and Karen Schimmelpfennig, Dennis Walkingshaw, Jon Hanson, Ron Jensen, Bo and Sue Hall, Dil and Diane Strasser, Pete and Victoria Davies, Keith Mott, Henry and Chris Morrison, Bob and Candi Keeney.
The club had an excellent showing at British Field Day, which was held in Liberty Park and attracted several hundred British cars and motorcycles. Eleven BAHC members showed up with 13 cars: both Jim Thornton and Dil Strasser showed up with 2 cars each. With all the cars lined up in a row it was a pretty impressive and colorful display. The weather was perfect in the mid 80’s with plenty of sunshine and lots of shade trees if you needed to cool off for a bit. There were 3 food trucks that served up some very good burgers, street tacos, as well as an ice cream truck and a hot dog cart. We were able to connect with a couple of people that showed interest in the club and we put business cards in any Healey that was parked else where at the event. The cards have the club website on the front. Hopefully we will hear from them in the near future. Business cards were supplied by Jon Hanson, thanks Jon.
June 1, 2024 Tech Session
Attendees: Henry Morrison, Dil Strasser, Larry Jensen, Bo Hall, Glen Schimmelpfennig, Paul Evens and Don Hughes, Michael Nash (Dil’s grandson).
A tech session was held on June 1st at Dil Strasser’s home to work on one of his Healeys which had been off the road for some time. The carburetors had been removed in the past for a rebuild by a fellow member and returned to Dil but were never installed, and the brakes were not functioning.
After some minor adjustment to the carb assembly by Henry, the carbs were installed with some help from Michael, and the initial adjustments made prior to startup. The fuel in the tank was fairly old and it was decided that a filter needed to be installed. So Larry volunteered too take a trip to the auto parts store and a new filter and rubber fuel line were procured. Once that was installed, more fuel was added to the tank, the ignition was turned on and the familiar ticking of the fuel pump coming to life was heard. The system was checked for leaks and the engine was started. Once warmed up the carbs were adjusted by Henry, (Carb Whisperer Morrison), and the engine settled into a smooth idle.
As far as the brakes were concerned, it was found that the master cylinder was dry and had a leak so it will need to be replaced. A fellow club member will come by once the parts have arrived and get it installed. Dil is hoping to have the car on the road so it can be present for the The British Field day event on June 15th. It’s nice to see a younger person, Michael (Dil’s grandson), helping out and showing interest in these old Healeys as he is the future for the continued preservation once we have moved on. Michael I hope you continue to develop an interest and love for our Healey’s that we have. Thank you.
May 4, 2024 Tech Session
Attendees: Henry Morrison, Larry Jensen, Bo Hall, Pete Davies, Dave Maxwell, Dennis Walkingshaw, Jim Thornton, Glen Schimmelpfennig, Dil Strasser, Don Hughes, Troy Duffin, Mitch Hendricks.
We had beautiful sunny warm weather and three members chose to drive their Healey’s along with one MG. There were plenty of helping hands and discussions but ultimately we accomplished our goal and another car is back on the road. So far the club has a 100% success rate of repair and making cars road worthy. Let’s keep up the good work! Thank you to Bo and Sue Hall for hosting the get together. Coffee, bagels with cream cheese, a breakfast cake and other assorted goodies helped everyone keep focused as we attacked Bo’s BJ8 Healey.
Bo was having trouble starting the car in the cold weather and after some diagnosing we found a multiple of problems. The jets were to far open. The needles weren’t set correctly in the carb pistons and the choke cables weren’t adjusted properly. There were multiple people that took turns helping Dave Maxwell who was the primary hands on guy. Everyone learned something today as there was plenty of discussion about the problems
After all the issues were addressed the car was started and we went about making all the necessary adjustments to the mixture, air bypass, fast idle and balanced the air flow to each carb to get the engine running as it should. The car now starts with a turn of the key and idles perfectly. Bo will have to wait until the weather turns cold again to see how it starts using the choke.
April 6, 2024 — First Annual “Start of Driving Season” Breakfast
Attendees: Jon Hanson, Sue Hall, Henry & Chris Morrison, Bo Hall, Dennis and Cay Walkingshaw, Victoria & Pete Davies, Jim Thornton
Ten BAHC members met at Ruth’s Diner in Emigration Canyon for the first “Annual Breakfast Get Together”. We met at 8 AM when they opened so we could all be seated together at the same table.
It was a little challenging getting to the diner as a storm front came in early this morning and it started to snow pretty hard in parts of Salt Lake City and the surrounding areas. Dennis and Cay Walkingshaw had to use 4 wheel drive mode to get out of their driveway this morning but everyone arrived safe and sound. It was fun teasing each other as to why no one drove their Healey’s in the snow. That brought back some memories of the crazy times we had with our cars during our much younger years and a few stories were told about driving in the winter months during our youth which were fun to hear. It was wonderful to see members in such a jovial mood that early as no one had had their morning coffee yet, but we were all wide awake. Probably had something to do with cold weather.
There was plenty of interesting conversation about Healey’s and plans for upcoming trips that members had scheduled. Henry and Chris Morrison are heading out to California in a couple of weeks to race their Triumph TR3 at the Kastner Cup race which this year is taking place in Sonoma Ca., the heart of the wine country. Pete Davies will also be in California during that time and plans to go and watch Henry race on race day. As breakfast came to an end, about 10am, we all got bundled up once more and headed out the door to our warm and comfy cars but not before we said our “Good Bye’s”.
Next year we are going to plan it a little later in April or early May when the weather is better.
Thanks again to everyone that showed up and to those that couldn’t make it, we hope you will be there next time. —Pete

March 24, 2024 Tech Session
Attendees: Darin Graber, Dennis Walkingshaw, Bo Hall, Glen Schimmelpfennig, Pete Davies and Tony Duffin
Today started off with 2 inches of fresh snow on the ground as well as rain at the lower elevations. I thought that maybe we wouldn’t get much of a turnout for the tech session, but I was pleasantly surprised. Despite the bad weather we had six members show up to help Darin get his car ready for the driving season. Members are really coming together to help one another and to me that is a sign of the continuing commitment to growth and good health of the club.
Thanks to Darin for hosting us at his home as we had a nice warm garage to work in along with donuts, coffee, yogurt and snacks.
Darin had laid out everything that we needed to do the job, so we got started . Pete jumped in and replaced the slave cylinder on the passenger side front brakes while Glen held a flashlight. There wasn’t much room for an extra person or pair of hands as the passenger side of the car was up against a wall and a bit dark. Dennis got busy replacing and packing the wheel bearings on the driver side front hub assembly. Bo was busy asking questions about what was being repaired and was genuinely interested in learning, proving that one is never too old to learn new things. Pretty soon everything was back together, and we were ready to bleed the brake system. This proved to be a bit troublesome as we had quite a bit of difficulty getting all the air out of the system. After making a couple of trips to each wheel and much pumping of the pedal, thanks to Darin and Glen, we had really good brake pedal and everything was back in working order. As always there was an abundance of good humor, a lot of ribbing along with resulting laughter. A good time was had by all, and another car was ready for the road.
Happy Healeying to everyone!
February 10 Tech Session
Attendees: Henry Morrison, Pete Davies, Dennis Walkingshaw, Don Hughes, Tom Leavitt, Jim Thornton, Dave Maxwell, Bo Hall, Larry Jensen, Dil Strasser, Glen Schimmelpfennig, Troy Duffin, Don Coleman.
Saturday’s tech session at Henry’s shop was a great day. We had a good turnout of members and everyone took part in one way or another, either on Don’s doors or on Dil’s Jaguar that had developed a coolant leak. We started off with coffee and donuts which were supplied by Don Hughes, thanks Don. We got set up in the shop and then proceeded to start working on the doors that Don brought along. The goal was to make one good door out of the two. Work started with a discussion of what was the best way to remove the sheet metal from both doors and a plan was formulated. Dave Maxwell had plenty of experience in this area as he had done quite a bit of body work in the past and his input was very much appreciated, thanks Dave. Part of the inner shell was removed from both doors and some rust was cut out of the second door skin. This took longer that expected as we had trouble opening up the seams.Once the metal was separated the rust was removed. After a few hours it was determined that the metal was to far gone for repair as there was considerable rust and distortion. We discussed the problem and decided that the best way to proceed was to replace the bad metal with new patch panels. So Don is going to order an outer and an inner door patch panel. Once these come in we will get together again and repair the door.
The coolant leak on Dil’s Jaguar turned out to be a worn out radiator cap gasket.
So with the inability to repair the door we proceeded with a lesson on setting up a MIG welder for welding sheet metal. We used Don’s welder as it didn’t have the correct settings for the job at hand. We went over the chart provided with the welder and set the voltage, wire speed and the shielding gas pressure. We then then practiced tack welds, running a bead and checking for good weld penetration. The wire feed speed was adjusted until we got the sound of “bacon sizzling in a frying pan”. The weld smoothed out and those that were interested got to weld some sheet metal pieces together. We practiced setting up the gap for a butt weld and then punched some holes and welded more metal together using the plug weld method which is similar to spot welding. Members observed how to much heat caused distortion in the sheet metal and were shown how to use a hammer and dolly to relieve the stress and shrinkage in the metal that occurs during the welding procedure.
Prior to leaving Henry brought a wheel skirt from his Jaguar that had been damaged when it fell off his car on a past trip. We showed how to use a shrinking disc to heat the high spots in the metal and them shrink them down so the metal straightens out and goes back to it’s original shape. At the end of the session Jim Thornton surprised members with a box of brand new “old T shirts”. The shirts depicted Healey events that occurred as far back as 1993!. Thanks Jim, that was a nice surprise!
All in all it was a successful day and I hope everyone learned something that will help them in the future. —Pete
Christmas Party
The Christmas party was a great success and if you weren’t there you missed a wonderful time filled with camaraderie, laughter and cheer. Hope you can make it next year. The party started at 5:30 and almost everyone arrived at the same time, there were seventeen of us in attendance. Henry stepped behind the bar and we were served our favorite beverage. The conversations started and pretty soon everyone was telling stories. Discussing things about the past year, what we had done both to and with our cars and significant other. Holiday cheer and merriment were in abundance. Chris and Henry had done a beautiful job setting a very festive table and decorating their home
for the Christmas season.
After about an hour we all sat down to dinner, wow, it was great. Larry Jensen had offered to supply the meat and he smoked a beautiful prime rib roast. It was done to perfection and was without a doubt the best prime rib we ever tasted. Everyone told Larry how good it was, fantastic job Larry! We sat down to dinner and it got quiet as we consumed a fabulous meal of prime rib, potatoes, salad, enchiladas, rolls and a glass of red wine. The main course was followed up by desert which consisted of an apple pie and a cherry pie that was home made by Victoria Davies, yummy!
As dinner progressed we were asked to pick a number from a bowl. We each took turns
choosing a gift from the presents that everyone came with. Chris informed us of the rules which let each person “steal” a gift from someone else, but the gift could only be stolen three times. Interesting enough was the fact that no gifts were stolen so I can only assume that everyone was quite happy with what they had chosen. After the gift exchange was over, conversation resumed and coffee was served. Cay Walkingshaw and Theoni Evans assumed dish duty while all the left overs were wrapped up and put away. By the time dinner was over it was almost 9:00 and some folks had a long drive ahead of them. Keith and Liz Mott had traveled all the way down from Logan, thank you for making the long
drive. Most members started to gather up their coats and hats, said good bye to each other and wished everyone a Merry Christmas.
To Henry and Chris Morrison, on behalf of all those in attendance, I would like to thank you for opening up your home once again and hosting another wonderful Christmas party.
Pete Davies
Tech Session at Dill Strassers
Attendees; Tom Leavitt, Dennis Walkingshaw, Henry Morrison, Jim Thornton, Glen Schimmelpfennig, Don Hughes, Dil Strasser and Pete Davies
We had another successful Tech Day on Saturday as we got another Healey back on the road. We all met at Dil Strasser’s home at 10 am to begin working. When Glen and I arrived Dennis was already under the car hard at work. He’s a real animal when it comes to attacking a Healey with problems.
Dil’s BN4 had been out of commission for some time with clutch hydraulic issues. The master cylinder has started to leak externally and was completely out of fluid and the bottom of the reservoir was full of what looked like a black mud. Tom removed the master cylinder while Dennis was underneath the car struggling with removal of the slave cylinder. Eventually Henry jumped in and removed the seats and the transmission cover to provide better access to one of the bolts and then the slave cylinder came right out. Henry was a real trooper as I have never seen anyone that tall, 6’2″, get under the dash of a Healey to remove the connecting pin between the foot pedal and the master cylinder rod. He was flat on his back with with his legs sticking out over the top of the tonneau cover, he is quite the contortionist. I’m considerably shorter at 5″9″ and I have trouble getting under there, of course I’m a bit thicker around the middle than Henry. Since there was only room for three people to perform the work the rest of us stood around looking for a sunny spot to stay warm, provide comic relief and moral support while Glen started taking pictures.
Refreshments were provided but most of us continued to move around to keep our blood moving as it was fairly cold on Saturday morning. Glen got some good pictures of a– holes and elbows sticking out everywhere as the work continued. The master and slave cylinders were cleaned out and proved to be in good condition and were deemed reusable. They were both lightly honed out and rebuilt with new kits.
During the rebuilding and assembly process there was a bit of poking fun at Dennis as he kept throwing the assembly grease into the garbage can and had to retrieve it several times. Apparently he likes to clean up after himself as work progresses. After a short battle with the master cylinder, space was really limited, Tom was able to reinstall it while Dennis and Henry finished up the rest of the work on the slave cylinder. The lines were flushed out and the system bled and everything appeared to be in working order once more.
A couple of other small issues were addressed and the car was started up with a little help from a can of starting fluid, choke was missing a few parts and couldn’t be hooked up.
The old Healey engine roared to life and Henry put the transmission in reverse backed out of Dil’s driveway and roared off up the street. We all stood around for a few minutes as we heard the sound of the Healey fade away. Someone questioned if the brakes still worked and the rest of us wondered if we would ever see Henry again?!. A couple of minutes went by and we heard the horn blow as Henry went flying by on a cross road at the end of Dil’s street. A couple of more minutes went by and Henry came back with a big grin on is face and gave a thumbs up of approval for a job well done. Clean up work was completed and everyone went there separate way as we all headed home.
What a great day spent with fellow members and the appreciation and thanks that Dil expressed to everyone as one of his cars is back on the road. If you need some help with your car let the club know as these tech sessions are a lot of fun and we all have a vested interest in keeping our cars on the road.
Until next time! — Pete
Tech Session for Tom Leavitt’s Sprite
If you weren’t there you missed a great time!! The tech session went really well as we had six members and a new prospective member, Brooke Steel, attack Tom Leavitt’s Sprite with great enthusiasm. The weather was perfect on Saturday morning in the mid 60’s with clear skies and no wind. We all gathered at the pre-determined time at the storage facility where Tom kept his Sprite. There was discussion at length as how we should go about performing the task at hand. Of course everyone has there own way of doing things and there were lots of thoughts and ideas on how to tune the HS4 carbs on the 67 Sprite. Some wanted to go by “the book” while others had learned from practical experience. While the discussions were going on coffee and donuts were being consumed the camaraderie and humor started to surface. At this point Henry received the brunt of the jokes. With his wonderful sense of humor and thick skin, after all he is the club president and he has to put up with all of us, he took in all in stride, “Way to go Henry”. So after everyone settled in a bit Henry led us through the procedure from the practical side gained from many years of working on these type of carbs. The Sprite was started and brought up to temperature and the procedure began as Henry talked us all through what he was doing. The car was indeed running extremely rich as a spark plug was pulled and inspected, it was covered with soot. The carbs were set to their base line adjustments and then we went from there. One of the best things in the arsenal of knowledge and tools that we had was a set of SU carb adjusting tools that Henry had brought with him as well as two types of air flow measuring devices which simplified the job immensely. So after much tutoring and adjusting, the Sprite was running really well. Tom took it for a spin and was delighted with the results and after the session was over he decided to drive it home and park it next to his Mk-2 tri-carb to keep it company.
End result was a well schooled group of members, a well running car and a happy owner.
Those present were Tom Leavitt, Henry Morrison, Glen Shimmelpfenning, Larry Jensen, Don Hughes, Pete Davies, and potential new member: Brooks Steele. Thanks to Glen for capturing the event in photos which are available on the Photo Album Page.
—-Pete Davies
Cache Valley Cruise-In 2023
Glenn Schimmelpfennig (1969 Sprite), Henry and Chris Morrison (1956 100M), and Keith, Matt and Liz (1962 3000 and 1959 Sprite) attended the Cache Valley Cruise-In on June 30 2023. With nearly 1000 cars in the show there was a lot to look at, but our British cars attracted a lot of attention. Afterwards, everyone went to Keith and Liz’s house for a barbecue. Photos on Photo Album page. –Keith Mott
British Field Day 2023
British Field Day 2023 was a huge success with hundreds of British cars and bikes including 16 Healeys total. Cars of note this year were the Morrison’s 100M, and the presence of TWO yellow Bugeyes. Club members that I remember seeing there include Jim Thornton, Dennis Walkingshaw, Henry and Chris Morrison, Tom Leavitt, Glenn Schimmelpfennig, Larry and Melissa Jensen, Darin Graber, and of course Keith and Liz Mott. I’m sure others were present; send me names and I’ll amend this post. Pictures on the Photo Album page. -Keith Mott
Chris’ Birthday Road Rallye
The first annual BAHC-WMJR Chris’ Birthday Road Rallye was held Saturday, July 9th. Ten cars started the Rallye at Sunset Coffee in Sandy, and ten finished at Billy Blanco’s in Park City. The starting and final check-points were manned by Henry Morrison and Dil Strasser. The middle check point, at Brighton Resort, was manned by the birthday girl herself (Chris Morrison) along with Glen Schimmelpfennig, and Keith and Matthew Mott. At the Brighton checkpoint, Chris provided a seemingly endless supply of cupcakes to participants, checkpoint workers, and pretty much anyone else who happened by and looked hungry. After the Rallye, everyone gathered for a boisterous lunch at Billy Blanco’s, where Henry announced the winners and awarded the prizes. Everyone seemed to have a great time, and thanks go to Henry and Chris Morrison and Glen Schimmelpfennig for organizing the event. Participants and scores are shown below. Pictures on the Photo Album page.

Rally to Walkingshaw’s in Springville
Saturday’s (06/25/2022) drive down to Dennis and Cay Walkingshaw’s Hobble Creek Canyon digs had a great turnout. Hobble Creek Canyon is due east of Springville and our destination was about 9 miles up that canyon. We had five Big Healeys and a Bugeye Sprite leave the staging area at the Park and Ride at the mouth of Big Cottonwood Canyon at 10am. Attendees included Chris and Henry Morrison, Pete and
Cash Davies, Dennis Walkingshaw and his long time good friend from Moab, David von Zastrow, Larry Jensen (Bugeye), Darin Graber and Jon Hanson. Unfortunately, on the way and near the summit of a pretty long and steep push up a mountain, the Bugeye gasped its last and Larry arranged for a tow truck to come out. I hope the diagnosis of the issue was not fatal but sounds like the tow truck was an appropriate solution.
Driving through Orem and Provo had a lot of stop and go and traffic at times was thick. Dennis did an admirable job leading the pack. It was very easy to get separated from the group at stop lights and Dennis kept a close eye in the rear-view mirror for stragglers.
I think I can speak for the group that we all were very glad to arrive at the final destination… a truly spectacular setting in the canyon, complete with babbling brook (Hobble Creek), expansive lawns in a park-like setting, and a beautiful house with room for all of our Healeys to be in the shade of the portico. I am also told there are black swans there but I never checked that out. David von Zastrow was official Burgermeister (in this case, word usage means the official “mayor” of the grill) and Cay had set out an extensive spread of goodies in the kitchen – salads, chips and dips, burger fixings, and drinks as well as desserts. We had a leisurely lunch and good conversation outside in the shade on the veranda. The food was great and we certainly did not leave hungry!
Darin had a gig to make back in town so he left early and did the freeway all the way back to make good time. The rest of us went the way we came following Dennis and David.
Thanks so much to Cay and Dennis Walkingshaw for organizing this event! (photos on the Photo Album page)
–Jon Hanson
British Field Day 2022
Despite dire weather predictions, British Field Day turned out to be a pleasant day with a good turnout of Healeys. Club members with Healeys at the show were: Darrin Graber, Jon Hanson, Dill Strasser, Keith, Liz, and Matt Mott, Pete Davies, Jim and Dave Thornton (2 cars), Dennis and Cay Walkingshaw, and Tom Leavitt. In addition, Henry Morrison brought an Elva Courrier, and Chris Morrison came in a 1968 TR250. Other members present were: Don Hughes, Jim Revel, and Larry and Melissa Jensen. Henry’s runs through the slalom course in his Elva provided some entertainment for club members. Everyone was having such a good time that no one except Jon Hanson thought to take pictures. Thanks Jon! (pictures on the Photo Album page) –Keith Mott
Show and Shine at Sam’s Club
Weather was terrific but turnout not so much at the BAHC May 14 Show and Shine at Sam’s Club. Two Healeys made it (Darin Graber and Jon Hanson) and two others would have made it but for gremlins in the mix. One for petrol shortage (Joe Morley) and the other for possible mechanical issues (Dil Strasser). Dil came a bit later in his Jaguar. Henry Morrison came with his vintage Land Rover. Some other members showed up to offer support including Jim Thornton and Don Colman. Many thanks to Don Hughes for arranging the venue. (Pictures on the Photo Album Page) —Jon Hanson
Tech Session at Joe Morley’s
Saturday, April 9th, was another great tech session for the Bonneville Austin Healey Club. The order of the day was to resurrect Joe Morleys BJ7 that had been hibernating for the past 3 years or so. With Plenty of donuts, cookies and soft drinks, the crew consisting of Joe Morley, Jim Thornton, Jon Hanson, Darin Graber, Don Hughes, Don Colman, and Dennis Walkingshaw dug into the basics of breathing life back into a Healey that had been stored for the past few years. Jim Thornton Joe Morley drained gas and refilled, fluids checked and topped up by Darin Graber, fuel pump operation was checked and starting fluid was liberally employed by Dennis Walkingshaw. With a little coaxing with the choke and gas pedal from Jim Thornton, the car came to life, and after letting it warm up and settle in with a little carb adjustment from Dennis, Joe’s BJ7 was purring like a tiger and ready for a first drive in 3 years to a local spot with an air pump to top up the tires. I think Joe is still smiling as I write this. Todays session was an easy one, and even though no other Healeys made an appearance, Don Hughes brought his Healey doors to talk paint prep with Darin, Jon Hanson brought a non-functioning battery cut-off switch for Darin’s switch rebuild project, Don Colman came by to chat and mention he still wants to sell his Bugeye for a lucky motorist to use this summer, and everyone got their hands dirty – either on Morleys car or the donut box. Coming soon might be a session to re-hang the exhaust system on Jon Hansons BJ8 and maybe a little work on Joe Morleys exhaust as well. Stay tuned for more sessions as the club ramps up this spring! (Pictures on the Photo Album Page) –Darin Graber
Christmas Party at the Morrisons
Kudos to Henry and Chris Morrison for hosting our annual Christmas Party in their home on Dec. 4th. They provided everything; the food, the drinks, and the entertainment. Some others brought a pot luck dish. My favorite was Henry’s Albuquerque Meat Balls with spicy peppers. Ham, turkey, and many other dishes were served.
They had a Christmas present under the tree for everyone in attendance. We all left with a gift. Mine was the yodeling pickle I’ve always wanted. In addition, Chris organized a couple of games with prizes for the winners. A good time was had by all.
Attendees included Jahnkes, Strassers, Thorntons, Schimmelpfennigs, Graber, Leavitt, Walkingshaws, and two new members attending their very first BAHC event – Larry Jensen and son plus Pete and Victoria Davies. Photos on the photo album page —Jim Thornton
British Field Day 2021
Several members of the Bonneville Austin Healey Club attended British Field Day (sponsored by the British Motor Club of Utah) on Saturday, August 28 in Liberty Park. The weather was pleasant, and the turnout of British cars and spectators was excellent. Four members brought cars: Jon Hanson (BJ8), Jim, Dave, and Casey Thornton (BT7 and BN6), Dennis Walkingshaw (BJ8), and Keith, Liz, and Matthew Mott (BT7). Attending without a car (or at least without a Healey) were Don Hughes, Darin Graber, Jim Revel, Drew Frink, Glenn Schimmelpfennig, and Dil Strasser. Pictures can be found on the Photo Album page.
July Club Barbecue
Sixteen BAHC members gathered at Jon Hanson’s house on Saturday, July 10, for a club barbecue. The event was organized by Dil Strasser and by Jon, and judging by the amount of food consumed and the decibel level of the conversation, it was a huge success. Brats, hotdogs, and burgers were provided by the club (and cooked by Dil and Jon), and Club members provided a nice variety of salads, fruit, and desserts. In attendance were Jim and Cheryl Thornton, Keith, Liz and Matt Mott, Bob and Dixie Jahnke, Glen and Karen Schimmelpfennig, Henry and Chris Morrison, Dil and Diane Strasser, Jon Hanson, Grant Fairbanks, and Darin Graber. Pictures on the Photo Album page.
June Tech Session
On Saturday, June 19th, Henry and Chris Morrison hosted a tech session at their house in Mt. Olympus Heights. Despite the hot weather, the turnout was excellent, and Henry’s garage/shop proved an perfect location for the gathering. The 4-post hydraulic lift didn’t hurt either. Although some work was done on Dennis and Kaye Walkingshaw’s BJ8, the “main event” of the session was to install a new windshield in Dil Strassers BT7 and get the car running. The new windshield went in without too much trouble (those who actually did the work might dispute this claim), but getting the car running proved a little more difficult. After some diagnostic antics involving several batteries and a lot of sparks, the group concluded that the starter motor was bad. Not to be denied, the car was push-started with Henry in the cockpit. Although the engine started right up, Henry quickly discovered that the brakes were, in his words, “sub optimal”. Fortunately, judicious use of the parking brake prevented disaster. –Keith MOtt
In attendance were: Henry and Chris Morrison, Jim and Dave Thornton, Jim Revel, Glen Schimmelpfennig, Don Colman, Don Hughes, Darin Graber, Bob Keeney, Paul Evans, John Evans, Dennis and Cay Walkingshaw, and Keith Mott. Many thanks to Henry and Chris for hosting and providing drinks and sandwiches. Pictures on the Photo Album Page.
Conclave 2021
Henry and Chris Morrison and Glen Schimmelpfennig attended Conclave 2021 in Big Bear, CA. Glen took first place in the Sprite division, and Henry and Chris racked a few trophies of their own. Read Henry’s account of the event here.
The Cottonwood Club in Salt Lake City was the
site for our first annual New Year’s Dinner. For the last few years we have held this event in December as our Christmas Dinner. Personally, I felt the timing for this dinner was much better than during the busy holidays.
The entrees, salmon and prime rib, were excellent. The service, bar, and private room could not have been better. All in attendance appeared to enjoy the evening. Members present included Jon Hanson, Jim & Sheryl Thornton, Grant Fairbanks & associate Karen, Keith & Liz Mott, Glen & Karen Schimmelpfennig, Henry & Chris Morrison, Bob & Dixie Jahnke, Darin & Elaine Graber, Dil & Diane Strasser, Bill Davis and Moni Schwaerzlker. The Revels could not make it due to snow.
Thank you to Ann Henderson for allowing us to use her membership. Cottonwood is a private country club and we would not be able to utilize this facility without her. Also need to mention, our thoughts are with Ann as she is currently at the University of Utah Hospital undergoing test. Hope all will be well soon.
Jim Thornton
AHCA Black Hills Conclave Congratulations to BAHC members Darin Graber and Glen Schimmelpfennig for winning first place in their respective classes in the Conclave Car Show:
Darin Graber, Class-C (100-6)
Glen Schimmelpfennig: Class L (square body Sprite)
Mirror Lake/Evanston
Jim Revel, Bob Keeney, Pat and Bob Markmann and Conner Samuelson of the BAHC joined the BMCU, WMJR and PCA on a run up to Mirror Lake. Please check out the Photo Gallery for some pictures taken by Gary Lindstrom of the BMCU.
Info provided by J. Revel
Trappers Loop
On Saturday, August 17th, four BAHC members—Glen Schimmelpfennig, Darin Graber, Drew Frink, and Keith Mott—participated in the BMCU Trappers Loop Drive. Glen and Darin started with the main group at Hogle Zoo,. They proceeded up Emigration Canyon and then through East Canyon to Morgan, where Keith and Drew were waiting along with several other BMCU members. There was a little excitement in East Canyon when a BMCU member hit a deer, which Darin then ran over, causing some minor body damage to his Healey.
The entire group eventually proceeded over Trappers Loop, around the Pineview Reservoir dam and then to the Mad Moose Cafe, just north and west of Eden. After a hearty lunch, the group split up and returned home by various routes. Overall, it was a beautiful day and a fun drive! Pictures can be found on the Photo Gallery page.
Cache Valley Cruise-In
Two BAHC members, Glen Schimmelpfennig and Keith Mott, attended the Cache Valley Cruise-In on July 5th and 6th. There were almost 900 cars in the show, but most of the cars were American-made, so our Healeys were unusual and got plenty of attention. There are no pictures of the event because neither of the members attending took any, but more information and pictures are available at
Article: K. Mott
Coalville-Taggarts Run (with BMCU)
On Saturday, May 4, BAHC members Darin Graber, Glen Schimmelpfennig, Drew Frink, and Keith Mott participated in the Coalville-Taggarts run organized by the BMCU. The drive started at the Hogle Zoo, proceeded up Emigration Canyon to I80, and then to Silver Summit. From there the group was supposed to proceed to Kamas, but about half the cars (including three of the four BAHC members) accidentally took a shortcut through Brown’s Canyon Road. After a pleasant and social wait for the cars that went to Kamas, the entire group continued via secondary roads to Wanship, Coalville, Echo, and Hoytsville before jumping onto I84 for the short hop to Taggarts. We arrived promptly at 11 AM and were seated immediately for a tasty Taggarts meal. The routes taken home varied. Pictures of the event can be found on the Photos page.
Article: K. Mott
Photos: BMCU
British Field Day
The 2019 British Field Day was great fun. The BAHC had a fair representation this year that included six Big Healeys (and of course their owners): Jim Thornton (2), Keith Mott, Darin Graber, Dil Strasser and Jon Hanson. Glen Schimmelpfennig brought his recently completed Sprite. It was a rather impressive lineup of Healeys.
Lots of visitors relived their youth checking our classics out and asking tons of questions. One fellow and his son dropped by with a tape measure and notebook. They were assembling a 3000 MK III Healey pretty much from scratch using a new Jule Enterprises frame from Canada. They took multiple measurements on my car, particularly the location of the door pillar. I hope they are successful in this daunting task. [Author note: the founder of Jule Enterprises, Martin Jansen, passed away July 19th]
There are photos of this event in the photo gallery.
Article: J. Hanson
Photos: J. Hanson
2019 AutoRama
There was good participation by several British car clubs at this year’s AutoRama. Two Big Healeys, a Bugeye Sprite, a later (1969) modified Sprite, two E-type Jaguars. a 1971 (?) Triumph and an elegant Jaguar Saloon (Mk I or II). Participants from the BAHC included Darin Graber (organizer), Jon Hanson, Bob Riemenschneider and Glen Schimmelpfennig (who took 2nd place in the semi-sports category with his 1969 Sprite). Dil Strasser (BAHC) came by to help and served an important role – giving lifts home to several of us after we loaded our cars into the show. Jim Thornton, who was unable to participate, graciously loaned his Big Healey for the event.
Thanks to Darin Graber for organizing this multi-club presentation.
See photo gallery for pictures of this event.
Article: J. Hanson
Photos: J. Hanson
Valentine’s Day Dinner
We had a good turnout for the 2019 Annual Valentine’s Day (“Sweethearts”) Dinner on Feb. 12. Fifteen BAHC members and friends attended. The event was held once again at the Red Butte Cafe in Foothill Village, SLC. The “good time” meter (as indicated by the background din of conversion) pegged out at maximum. Thanks to Sheryl Thornton for bringing some fabulous cookies for dessert.
Please see photos for this event in the Photo Gallery.
Article: J. Hanson
Photos: J. Thornton