Welcome to the webpage for the Bonneville Austin Healey club. For more information about the club, please see the Club Information page. To contact someone in the club for more information or to join the club, click here.


BAHC Members Glen and Karen Schimmelpfennig recently attended the AHCA Conclave in Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin with their beautiful, supercharged, 1969 Sprite. They came back with some great memories and two(!) awards. Below is their account of the event and some pictures.

Wisconsin 2024 Conclave, food, fun, new friends, old friends—FUN times! Road America raceway, what a blast, the noise, the iced tea, and people, we were able to drive around the racetrack eight times with no helmet, vroom, vroom. We had a car show every day, in a sea of Austin Healey’s – in the parking lot, on the road, in the races, and sitting along the street in Elkhart Lake just shining. YES, our little red car WON Best in Class Sprite and Best in Show Class Sprite: MK1-4, felt like a kid in a candy store! Guess who took our picture, Steve Kirby from Southern California, and the President of AHASC.

The Bonneville Austin Healey Club was featured in April of the Healey Marque Magazine Calendar.


Recent Events

Sept 21, 2024 Northern Drive
Attendees: Henry Morrison, Keith Mott, Dennis and Cay Walkingshaw, Pete and Victoria Davies
Dennis Walkingshaw led the tour from the south which met up at I-80 and State Hwy 65 in Parley’s Canyon. There were only two cars, Henry Morrison and Dennis, that showed up at 9:30 am and so they started up Hwy 65 north through the mountains towards Morgan. The morning was brisk but skies were clear and filled with sunshine. Perfect for our Healeys as we all know how they like the cooler weather. Read the full account on the Recent Events page.

The 1st Annual Snow Basin Car show this past Sunday August 4th was quite a success. The gathering of the cars started at 10am and with coffee and donuts provided. Once we were in our groups were were staged in the lawn area. There were four groups. Modern, Classic, Trucks & SUV , and Motorcycles.  The coordinator is a fan of British cars and had more applied we would have been given our own group but as it turned out there were only 3 of us that applied and were all accepted. Read the full report on the Recent Events page.

July 17, 2024 Sharon’s Birthday TSD Rally
Sharon’s Birthday Rally turned out to be a fun day for all. We had 20 cars take place in the rally which started at Rotary Glen Park just to the east of Hogle Zoo at the entrance to Emigration Canyon. Everyone assembled in the parking lot and donuts were provided by Dil Strasser. once everyone was registered Henry gave us a briefing on the “Richta ” app. We were each issued a car number and at precisely 9am the first car left the parking lot, thereafter another one left at 1 minute intervals. The weather was clear and it stated to warm up right away. The first 10 miles of the rally weren’t timed as it was an odometer check.  The timed portion started as we turned left and headed north on route 65 towards East Canyon Reservoir.
Read the full report with the results and all of the pictures on the Recent Events page.

  • A hearty “Thank You” to Henry and Chris Morrison, Dennis Walkingshaw, Don Hughes, Dil Strasser, Glen & Karen Schimmelpfennig for making this event a great success. 
    Thanks also go out the the British Motor Club of Utah and the Wasatch Mountain Jaguar Register for helping to promote this event. I hope it will be the start of a long tradition.

Modern Class—Candiss and Bennett Pedersen (overall winner)
Vintage class—-Ken and JoAnn Borg

Candiss and Bennett Pedersen (overall winner)

July 6, 2024 Tech Session
 Jim Thornton, Don Hughes, Larry Jensen, Pete Davies, Glen Schimmelpfennig, Bo Hall, Don Coleman
Another successful Tech Session: Jim Thornton’s black Healey is back on the road! We started working at 10am and there were 7 members that showed up to partake in Saturdays work fest. Everything went as planned except for one mishap that put us back a couple of hours. We ended up only changing the clutch slave cylinder and flex hose. Jim had found some rubber bits laying on the floor of his shop and thought they were from the slave cylinder dust seal. Our first order of business was to inspected the hydraulic system but we didn’t find any signs of leaks. So Don Hughes and I jacked up the car and proceeded to remove the seats, carpet and transmission cover. The factory installed rust preventative system was working well as there was quite a bit of oil under the car and around the slave cylinder area. It was determined that the rubber pieces were from the dust cover on the clutch actuating lever. Since we were this far into the project we decided to change out the slave cylinder anyway. Read the full report on the Recent Events page!

June 22, 2024 Springville Drive and Luncheon
Attendees:Dennis & Cay Walkingshaw and grandson Ryder. Henry & Chris Morrison. Jim & Sheryl Thornton with son, David & wife Kate. Dil & Diane Strasser, Pete & Victoria Davies and their daughter-in-law Amber & her son Cash. Glen, Karen, David Schimmelpfennig and daughter Sharron Jensen. Bob and Candi Keeney. Larry Jensen. Christopher and George Thompson.
The Springville run was a great success. Thanks again to Dennis and Cay for hosting the event at their home in Hobble Canyon. We had a new member join us today, please welcome Christopher and George Thompson. Glad to have you in the club. There were four big Healeys and three Sprites that made the run. Read the full report on the Recent Events page.

June 15, 2024 British Field Day
Attendees: Dave Maxwell, Larry and Melissa Jensen, Jim Thornton, Glen and Karen Schimmelpfennig, Dennis Walkingshaw, Jon Hanson, Ron Jensen, Bo and Sue Hall, Dil and Diane Strasser, Pete and Victoria Davies, Keith Mott, Henry and Chris Morrison, Bob and Candi Keeney.
The club had an excellent showing at British Field Day. Eleven members showed up with 13 cars: both Jim Thornton and Dil Strasser showed up with 2 cars each. With all the cars lined up in a row, it was a pretty impressive and colorful display. Read the full report on the Recent Events page.

June 1, 2024 Tech Session
Attendees: Henry Morrison, Dil Strasser, Larry Jensen, Bo Hall, Glen Schimmelpfennig, Paul Evens and Don Hughes, Michael Nash (Dil’s grandson)
A tech session was held on June 1st at Dil Strasser’s home to work on one of his Healeys which had been off the road for some time. The carburetors had been removed in the past for a rebuild by a fellow member and returned to Dil but were never installed and the brakes were not functioning. Read the full report on the Recent Events page.


May 4, 2024 Tech Session
Attendees: Henry Morrison, Larry Jensen, Bo Hall, Pete Davies, Dave Maxwell, Dennis Walkingshaw, Jim Thornton, Glen Schimmelpfennig, Dil Strasser, Don Hughes, Troy Duffin, Mitch Hendricks.
We had beautiful sunny warm weather and three members chose to drive their Healey’s along with one MG. There were plenty of helping hands and discussions but ultimately we accomplished our goal and another car is back on the road. So far the club has a 100% success rate of repair and making cars road worthy. Let’s keep up the good work! Thank you to Bo and Sue Hall for hosting the get together. Coffee, bagels with cream cheese, a breakfast cake and other assorted goodies helped everyone keep focused as we attacked Bo’s BJ8 Healey. Read the full report on the Recent Events page.

April 6, 2024 First Annual “Start of Driving Season” Breakfast
Attendees: Jon Hanson, Sue Hall, Henry & Chris Morrison, Bo Hall, Dennis and Cay Walkingshaw, Victoria & Pete Davies, Jim Thornton
Ten BAHC members met at Ruth’s Diner in Emigration Canyon for the first “Annual Breakfast Get Together”. We met at 8am when they opened so we  could all be seated together at the same table.  Read the full report on the Recent Events Page.


March 24, 2024, Tech Session
Attendees: Darin Graber, Dennis Walkingshaw, Bo Hall, Glen Schimmelpfennig, Pete Davies and Tony Duffin
Today started off with 2 inches of fresh snow on the ground as well as rain at the lower elevations. I thought that maybe we wouldn’t get much of a turnout for the tech session, but I was pleasantly surprised. Despite the bad weather we had six members show up to help Darin get his car ready for the driving season. Members are really coming together to help one another and to me that is a sign of the continuing commitment to growth and good health of the club. Read the full report on the Recent Events page.

February 10 Tech Session Saturday’s tech session at Henry’s shop was a great day. We had a good turnout of members and everyone took part in one way or another, either on Don’s doors or on Dil’s Jaguar that had developed a coolant leak. We started off with coffee and donuts which were supplied by Don Hughes, thanks Don. We got set up in the shop and then proceeded to start working on the doors that Don brought along. The goal was to make one good door out of the two. Work started with a discussion of what was the best way to remove the sheet metal from both doors and a plan was formulated. Dave Maxwell had plenty of experience in this area as he had done quite a bit of body work in the past and his input was very much appreciated, thanks Dave. Part of the inner shell was removed from both doors and some rust was cut out of the second door skin. This took longer that expected as we had trouble opening up the seams.Once the metal was separated the rust was removed. After a few hours it was determined that the metal was to far gone for repair as there was considerable rust and distortion. We discussed the problem and decided that the best way to proceed was to replace the bad metal with new patch panels. So Don is going to order an outer and an inner door patch panel. Once these come in we will get together again and repair the door. Read the full report on the Recent Events page!


Christmas Party
The Christmas party was a great success and if you weren’t there you missed a wonderful time filled with camaraderie, laughter and cheer. Hope you can make it next year. The party started at 5:30 and almost everyone arrived at the same time, there were seventeen of us in attendance. Henry stepped behind the bar and we were served our favorite beverage. The conversations started and pretty soon everyone was telling stories. Discussing things about the past year, what we had done both to and with our cars and significant other. Holiday cheer and merriment were in abundance. Chris and Henry had done a beautiful job setting a very festive table and decorating their home for the Christmas season.

After about an hour we all sat down to dinner, wow, it was great. Larry Jensen had offered to supply the meat and he smoked a beautiful prime rib roast. It was done to perfection and was without a doubt the best prime rib we ever tasted. Everyone told Larry how good it was, fantastic job Larry! We sat down to dinner and it got quiet as we consumed a fabulous meal of prime rib, potatoes, salad, enchiladas, rolls and a glass of red wine. The main course was followed up by desert which consisted of an apple pie and a cherry pie that was home made by Victoria Davies, yummy! Read the full report on the Recent Events page!